Post by Ironnerd on Aug 29, 2021 19:50:25 GMT
Adventuring is dangerous work, and death should always be a threat in any adventure. Normally a character simply dies when he or she runs out of hit points. BE+ offers some variety to what happens when HP’s reach zero. First, the player rolls a CON save for the character. If the save is successful, the character’s Hit Points is set to 1. If the save fails, roll 1d20 and consult the table below.
The Table of Many Deaths Roll.....Effect 20 ......No damage 19 ......Cool Scar +1 CHA 18 ......Loss of finger or toe 16-17 ...Nasty scar -2 CHA 14-15 ...Loss of... (d4) 01 Eye: -2 to hit 02 Hand: one-handed weapons only 03 Foot: reduce movement by 1d10 04 Ear/hearing: -1 to detect surprise 12-13 ...Permanent loss of... (d4) 01 (CON) - Internal organs 02 (INT) - Head 03 (DEX) - Spine 04 (STR) - Arms or Legs 11 ......Permanently disabled. You live, but your adventures are over 06-10 ...Internal bleeding. Dead in 1d6 (+CON adj) turns 04-05 ...Mortally wounded. Gets a death speech, then dies the next round/turn. 03 ......Just plain dead. 02 ......Character dies and comes back as a Zombie in 1d10 days 01 ......Turned to goo/ashes/bits/paste, dissolved, vaporized, etc...